Types Of Fostering
Are you aware we have six types of fostering:
- mainstream fostering
- respite care
- support care
- supported lodgings
- special needs or disability fostering
- p.a.s.t
The reason we have six different types of fostering is to provide you with options to suit your home, your family dynamics and life commitments.
Mainstream Fostering
Some children and young people may need to stay with you for a little while until they can return to their parents or are adopted.
Other children need a stable long-term home where you will support them into adulthood. This is called mainstream fostering.
Respite care
A child might need to stay with respite carers if their main carer is poorly, has a commitment where the child or young person cannot attend or another reason.
Respite carers provide a break for mainstream carers by offering the child or young person short periods of time in their home. Respite care is good if you have little flexibility with work commitments, but you still would like to help.
Support care
Support carers work closely with a child and their family in their home, offering extra support to them if they are struggling. As you will be a fully trained professional foster carer if required you can have the child stay with you in an emergency or to provide the child pre-arranged care for short periods of time.
Supported lodgings
Most young people are not ready to move on to independent living at the age of 16. Our 'Supported Lodgings providers' provide a home and support for these young people aged 16-21 with the view to helping them make that big step towards independent living.
Special needs or Disability fostering
Some of our children have a range of medical conditions, physical and developmental disabilities. As a foster carer for a disabled child, you would be given additional support and training to ensure you feel confident of caring for their needs. Like with all types of fostering, we offer continuous professional support, advice, training, and funding.
P.A.S.T (Parent and Child)
Parent and Child Assessment placements are unique opportunities allowing a parent and their child to live with you in your home. This is an opportunity for the child and the parent to bond, be shown by you how to safely care and look after their child and provide emotional and practical support to the new parent.
These placements offer the parent a chance to demonstrate their capabilities in caring for their child before a legal decision is made whether the parent and child can continue to live together after the P.A.S.T placement ends.
P.A.S.T placements are often 12 to 14 weeks and is an incredibly rewarding experience for both you and the parent and child.